Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dove: Supreme Cream Oil Ultra Rich Velvet Body Wash

Product Detail: Dove Supreme Cream Oil Ultra Rich Velvet Body Wash, a whipped blend of rich cream and lush softening oil. It's exceptionally moisturizing, sensationally lathering and indulging to senses.
Retail Value: $5.49 (
*Available at all retailers

Hey Guys,

So, today I'm going to talk to you about this new body wash I tried yesterday by Dove. It is the best body wash I have tried so far. I applied "Dove Supreme Cream Oil Ultra Rich Velvet Body Wash" on a lufa in the shower. "A little dab will do ya". I applied a small amount on the lufa and rubbed it jn to create a lather. Immediately, it lathered up really well and I began to apply it through out my entire body. It's exceptionally soft. It really cleanses and moisturizes your skin immediately. As I said, it's a cream. It's rich and it really holds up well. It's not like other body washes where it seems like right after it's applied to a lufa it disperses and is no where t be found or it immediately melts/runs off the lufa and your left with nothing. This body wash sticks to the lufa and stays lathered. One small dab of amount will last you your entire shower. It smells absolutely delicious. I wanna say it has a very soft floral scent. And your skin is left feeling soft and moisturized through out the entire day!!!

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